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Aereo Cessna Elettrico 4 Ch 2,4GHz RTF
189.00 €179.00 € -
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Automodello radiocomandato scala 1a8 Rigida Gloria Red
520.00 €490.00 € -
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Automodello scala 1a10 4wd 2 marce motore a scoppio RTR
259.00 €249.00 € -
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Automodello scala 1a10 Buggy 4wd con motore a scoppio RTR
249.00 €245.00 € -
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Batteria 4S – 14,8V LiPo 5200mAh Hard Case 45C
80.00 €77.00 € -
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Batteria LiPo 2s 7,4V 4.000mAh Hard Case 45C Spina Deans
36.00 €33.00 € -
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Batteria LiPo 4s 14,8V 5.000mAh 30C Spina XT60
59.00 €55.00 € -
CAESAR Scala 1:30 – 620mm
95.00 € -
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Chiavetta USB per Gioco VRC
30.00 €28.00 € -
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Colla Epossidica 30 minuti , 100g + 100g
17.50 €17.00 € -
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Coppia ammortizzatori anteriori OFF ROAD scala 1:8
70.00 €65.00 € -
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Elicottero Elettrico E-Rix 250 4Ch 2,4GHz
135.00 €130.00 €